
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tenenbaums & Enchanters

I attended a surprise birthday party last week, themed so that everyone had to dress as characters from the birthday boy's favorite movies. And obviously, I was Margot Tenenbaum, because I had the hair. The rest of the costume wasn't perfect (e.g. lack of stripes on my dress, et. al), but it was fun. Please note my fabulous wooden finger.

Here is Markie as Max Fischer from Rushmore, another wonderous Wes Anderson film

It's fake.

My face is too round to be like Gwyneth's

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I think I'll go to France the day after tomorrow.

Just a thought.

Monday, March 31, 2008


Tonight I am slowly sipping a diet energy drink, which kind of tastes like ass, but i spent 2.50 on it, and by god I will finish it.

I will also rent a movie on itunes, play solitaire, and question my social life.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Well, I'm not sure what the hell is going on, but apparently the weather here has decided to exact revenge upon the citizens of King County, leaving me freezing and unable to control the constant presence of goosebumps.

In other titillating news, I am fed up with my hair, so this Friday I am chopping it off and making it blonder, just so I can truly encapsulate the vapid TV melodrama sorority girl of my dreams. After all, someone once said that I looked like Tori Spelling (I've never fully recovered from this traumatic event), so I might as well embrace the whole image. Well actually, I'm just fucking sick of growing out my bangs, so I find this to be a wonderful solution to my hair issues.

In other trivial, shallow news, I am broke.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


done with finals!

Things to look forward to:
• Hawaii in 4 weeks!
• Spring Break
• My Epic Garage Sale
• New Classes (18 credits, shiit...)
• Hopefully selling my textbooks and having money for once

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


My meal plan is out of money, and I am here til Thursday/Friday, therefore I have my box of Special K to subside me for the next couple of days.

THIS IS LIKE FUCKING AUSCHWITZ, I TELL YOU. and it's not even the Red Berries kind of Special K, it's the original kind, which is bland and gets soggy very quickly in my dixie paper bowl with skim milk. In other news, I am attempting to sell my textbooks online. Thankfully 500 million people are taking Human Sexuality next quarter, so that ups my chances for actually getting rid of these books that cost more per ounce than gold.

I am slowly fading away into the night. Alas. Alas. Twas so good to have known you.

Been Awhile

Ah yes, the annual bug has infected me once again, the one that says 'oh HEY, you should start a BLOG'. Of course, when I follow through on my brilliant idea, I remember that 'HEY, you already HAVE a BLOG'. This explains the gap between entries, because to be quite honest, I had no recollection this one already existed. In fact, there are probably at least half a dozen web journals with one or two entries that I have started, and I hope I never come across again (e.g. my 7th grade angsty stage motivated me to start a 'deadjournal', in which I wrote everything emo style, as in

Anyhow, I haven't been keeping up with my analog journal, and because I am left-handed, I hate handwriting anything, because then I get ink smudges all over my hand and then I sleep with my face on my hand and I look like a domestic abuse victim in the morning, unless I was writing with a pink gel glitter pen, in which case I look like a sparkly burn victim.

I have one more final before I am released into the brain cell killing festival known as Spring Break. My big plans include planning a garage sale, because after buying my ticket to Hawaii, I am more broke than...fuck. It should be a pretty rousing event, chalk full of dog related books, harry potter trading cards (never been opened!) and a cobweb infested snowboard.

In other news, I just finished doing my first play at UW, The Book of Liz, which was written by David & Amy Sedaris, aka my eternal muses. It was as wonderful of a first experience as I could have hoped for, and I got to wear a bonnet, which was a longstanding aspiration of mine. I also played another character, a recovering alcoholic, hobag of a doctor, which allowed me the wonderfully comfortable feeling of saying 'cum in my ears' in front of my entire extended family. Ah, the joys of theater.

Anyhow, I'm just looking forward to having money, going to Hawaii with Koa, Koa getting his TempurPedic bed delivered (FUCKYEAHMOTHERFUCKERS), and being able to poop in the privacy of my own home. It's gonna be the good life...